800-341-8641 info@cscatm.com

Anti-Skimming Protection

Peace of mind
at the ATM

Card fraud is nothing new, but criminals are taking advantage of new technologies to come up with new fraud techniques. Through TMD Security, we can offer anti-skimming hardware to help combat Card skimming issues, allowing you and your customers to breath easily at the ATM.
Proven track record
TMD Security introduced their Card Protection Kit in 2004, and has a proven track record in anti-skimming technology. Their technology has been refined and perfected since even then, further pushing themselves as the industry standard.
Our partnership with TMD Security allows us to protect your financial equipment from:

  • Digital Skimming – magnetic strip copying
  • Analogue skimming – recording card data signal
  • Stereo skimming – devices that have two read heads

Hardware packages include anti-skimming with tilt and vibration protection, skimming device detection, anti-card trapping and metal detection. We offer security packages that can best fit your needs and security concerns. Contact us today to learn more.

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